Solana: IncorrectProgramId Issue

As a Solana developer, you’ve probably encountered the “Incorrect ProgramId” issue when attempting to call certain programs on the Solana blockchain. In this article, we’ll explore what this error means and provide steps to resolve it.

What is IncorrectProgramId?

In Solana, a program ID is used to identify a specific program instance that has been deployed on the network. When you deploy a program, you create a unique identifier for it, which is stored in the solana-program package.

When a program calls a function or uses a data structure from another program, it needs to use its own program ID instead of the ID of the program that created it. This ensures that the calling program can correctly identify and access the intended data.

The IncorrectProgramId Issue

The “Incorrect ProgramId” issue occurs when a program attempts to call a function or use a data structure from another program without specifying the correct program ID. Solana checks if the caller has the correct program ID before allowing the request, and if it doesn’t, it throws an error.

In your case, you have encountered this issue while using the GetAccountDataSize function from a legacy mint. Here’s what’s likely to happen:

Why is this happening?

There are several reasons why you might be experiencing this issue:

Resolving the Issue

To resolve this issue, you can try the following:


The “Incorrect ProgramId” issue can be frustrating when working with Solana programs. By understanding what’s happening and taking steps to resolve it, you can ensure a smooth development experience.

Remember to always verify the program ID of your mint before attempting to call functions or use data structures from other programs. Happy coding!

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