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Ethereum: Ccxt Binance FetchOHLCV Not Returning Recent Data

As an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast and trader, you are probably no stranger to the world of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like Binance. When it comes to tracking and analyzing the price movements of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, having access to high-quality historical data is crucial to making informed investment decisions.

In this article, we will delve into a common issue that many users face when using the ccxt library on Binance: retrieving OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close) data via fetchOHLCV does not return recent historical data.


When you use the “fetchOHLCV” command to retrieve historical data from the Ethereum mainnet, you are basically getting a snapshot of price movements at a given moment. However, Binance is known to update OHLCV feeds from time to time to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.

Unfortunately, Binance’s ccxt library does not seem to be receiving these updates, which is why it returns outdated data. This can lead to inaccurate predictions of future price movements or incorrect detection of trend reversals.


There are a few options to resolve this issue:

Check if your Binance API key is set up correctly

Make sure that your Binance API key is set up correctly in ccxt. To do this, follow these steps:

Use a different fetchOHLCV endpoint

Instead of using the default “fetchOHLCV” endpoint, try using the alternative endpoint provided by Binance: “

You can do this by editing your ccxt settings as follows:

const ccxt = require('ccxt');

const binance = new ccxt.Binance({

// Your API key and secret


binance.fetchOHLCV({ symbol: 'ETH' }, (error, result) => {

if (error) {


} else {

const lastData = result.last;

// Process the data as needed...



Use a newer version of ccxt

Make sure you are using a recently released version of the ccxt library, as it is possible that a bug or fix has been implemented to resolve the issue.

To check for updates, visit the [ccxt website]( and select the latest release. Then compare your current version to the version you are currently using.


In summary, retrieving OHLCV data using the Binance ccxt library’s “fetchOHLCV” command can sometimes return outdated or incorrect historical data. To resolve this issue, ensure that your API key is set correctly and try using a different fetchOHCV endpoint. If the issue persists, consider upgrading to a newer version of ccxt.

Thanks for reading!

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