Ethereum: Binance API Error 1022 “allOrders” (HMAC SHA256)
As a developer, it is always frustrating when technical issues arise during coding efforts. In this article, we will take a detailed look at an error that occurred when trying to retrieve all open orders from the Binance API using signed HMAC SHA256 requests.
The issue: Binance API Error 1022 “allOrders” (HMAC SHA256)
The problem occurred when I tried to send a GET request to the Binance API GET /api/v3/orderbook/all
endpoint, expecting to receive all pending orders in JSON format. However, when running, I encountered an error with the following code snippet:
Error ${error.status}: ${error.statusText}
const hmac = new HMACSHA256('bepikey', Buffer.from('secretkey'));
const apiKey = 'YOUR_BINANCE_API_KEY';
const apiSecret = 'YOUR_BINANCE_API_SECRET';
const url =
const response = wait fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const data = wait response.json();
} else {
Error code 1022 suggests a problem with HMAC signature verification. Let's see what it means and how to fix it.
What is HMAC SHA256?
Before diving into the details of the problem, let’s take a quick look at HMAC (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code) SHA256. HMAC is an algorithm that uses a secret key to authenticate a message by verifying its digital signature. In our case, we use a public key (bepikey) and a secret key (
secretkey), which are used as input to the HMAC function.
HMAC SHA256 Error 1022
Error code 1022 indicates that the HMAC digest returned by the API is invalid. In other words, the signature of the message (in this case, the JSON data in the response) does not match the expected signature generated using the secret key.
Possible Causes:
There are several potential causes for this error:
- Invalid or missing API credentials: Ensure that you have used your Binance API key and secret correctly.
- Insecure network connection
: A weak or insecure network connection can cause issues with the HMAC signature verification process.
- Incorrect implementation of the HMAC algorithm: Ensure thatBuffer.from(url)
is called in a manner consistent with the expected format for creating an HMAC instance.
To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:
- Check your API credentials:
Ensure that you have used the correct Binance API key and secret.
- Check your network connection:
Check that your internet connection is secure and working properly.
- Check the implementation of the HMAC algorithm:
Check that you are callingBuffer.from(url)correctly.
Code example (updated)
Here is an updated version of the code snippet that includes error handling for case 1, where API credentials are invalid or missing:
const hmac = new HMACSHA256('bepikey', Buffer.from('secretkey'));
const apiKey = 'YOUR_BINANCE_API_KEY';
const apiSecret = 'YOUR_BINANCE_API_SECRET';
try {
const url =
const response = wait fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const data = wait response.json();
} else {
throw new Error(Error ${error.status}: ${error.statusText}
} catch ( error ) {
console.error('HMAC signature verification error:', error.