About Ethereum Gas and Gas Limits

When interacting with the Ethereum network, it is essential to understand how gas is allocated and limited during transactions. In this article, we will dive into the basics of gas and gas limits and provide guidance on how to determine them when sending a transaction.

What are gas and gas limits?

In Ethereum, gas refers to the number of operations required to execute a transaction on the blockchain. Gas limit, on the other hand, is the maximum amount of gas that can be allocated to a transaction during a transaction.

When sending a transaction, the Ethereum network tries to find a balance between execution time and gas efficiency. The most expensive gas method will be executed first, until it reaches its limit or cannot be paid in full. This ensures that transactions are executed efficiently and without excessive fees.

Calculating Gas and Gas Limit

To calculate gas and gas limits for your transaction:

For example:

const web3 = new Web3(url);

const txParams = {

from: account.address,

to: contractAddress,

value: 10n, // blank


// Estimate gas for each transaction

const gasEstimates = [];

for (const op in txParams) {

const gasEstimate = estimateGas(txParams[op], web3);



// Determine total gas limit

const totalGasLimit = Math.max(...gasEstimates);

Determining Gas Limits

To determine gas and gas limits:

For example:

const web3 = new Web3(url);

// Estimate gas for a specific transaction operation

const txOp = txParams["gasUsed"];

const estimateGas = estimateGas(txOp, web3);

// Determine the total gas limit based on the estimated gas limit and the contracted gas limit

const totalGasLimit = Math.max(estimatedGas, 100000); // assuming 100k as the contracted gas limit

Best Practices

By understanding how to determine gas and gas limits, you will be better equipped to optimize your transactions for maximum performance and efficiency on the Ethereum network.

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